Monday, January 29, 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018

[test] Yes this was only a test. All of life is only a test. You are not told in advance when you are born it a test and you can only receive instruction from those who are faking it and they have only learned from what they know from their parents who were faking it. So after spending most of my life faking it, at 60 I'm finally finding out what I should have known at 20. Well that sucks. That old phrase "better late than never" comes to mind. Well that is the "Story of my life". I haven't been writing here in years and find out the russians are reading my post and looking to hijack my site. so here I go again at 60 trying to learn something new, how to protect my info. from russian hackers. Damn! I'm not Hillary guys.
I was looking at some books and writers and accidently found this person I was dating back in the 90's . She is a writer now of fantasy books. Changed her name a bit and gave herself a false history. Brilliant! I have always wished her the best and have hoped she was a success in whatever she did.
Very happy for her. Sometimes a fake history is all we need. Doesn't hurt anybody and gives you a new lease on life for those who have had a not so great start at life to begin with. Made me think. Hmmm is a name change in the works for me??? My start was not that great. Yeah I have a colorful history. One that would not be too bad to re-write. I will ponder the re-write .... lets see.. Rohn Einstein Charpender  .... maybe not.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

It has been a while now since I had written. Time to start again with a new vision and a new passion. Didn’t have that when I started this blog. But that has changed. It’s late right now...almost 2 a.m. So in keeping with the times I must say good morning before the rooster crows and the sun does rise. Nighty night kids. Dream of sock monkeys in swings.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wow a lot has gone down since my last post Sunday, December 12, 2010. Sold the condo after doing the math and soul searching as to whether we wanted to have all that overhead and no control over HOA stuff. We now are very happy after a year of downsizing from a huge one bedroom condo to a vary small one bedroom apartment located in a very optimum part of Pasadena. Walking distance to everything. Unfortunately I have suffered from sciatica just as we were getting ready to move. But getting better and better. It has been one year of hanging out with animation people and has been very interesting.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

On my way to an animations group Christmas party. I saw the most Random thing. At the side of the off ramp in the bushes Was an overturned white resin chair and standing next to it was a live white crane or heron. I'm not an expert of birds so I don't know which. But I do know that that was Nd odd place for such a beautiful bird.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm in another one of those situations wher the only way out is up.